IPFS Pinning


What is pinning?

Pinning is the mechanism that allows you to tell IPFS to store and keep a given object somewhere — the default being your local node, though in this case you will be pinning the object to the Fleek's IPFS Node.

Download CLI

This package requires Node.js 16 at a minimum. To install the CLI run

npm install -g @fleekxyz/cli


All the services in the Fleek CLI require authentication, to do this you have to run:

$ fleek login

This will trigger the login process, we use Web3Auth to manage authentication. Once the flow is completed you will be greeted like this:

$ fleek login
🔗 Opening browser on https://rough-truth-3196.on.fleek.xyz/login.html?verificationSession=... 
🧑‍💻 Please login to continue
Successfully logged in.


To interact with services you need to have a project. This can be created and managed via the CLI too! But dont worry the CLI wont let you continue without a project on the actions that require it.

To create a project you can do it like this:

$ fleek projects create
$ ? Enter project name:  

When entered a correct name, you will be automatically switched to it. Also you can switch through the different projects usign the 'switch' command that will promt a selector:

$ fleek projects switch


We can use Fleek's IPFS pinning service to pin files to the decentralized network. This will ensure that the files are accessible, no matter where they are stored, as long as they are stored in the IPFS network.

$ fleek ipfs add hola.txt
WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta phase, use it under your own responsibility
> Success! QmRG4xcsmoZuXqKuPz3uVBgvo3GZ6k1kLZWhmvzuKtDr9s
> You can visit through the gateway:

You can use the IPFS public gateways to check your uploaded files
